Promotion or marketing is very important to ensure that enough of the right people know that your property is for sale. The right people are people who are currently in the market looking for a property to purchase. The old adage of “you can’t sell a secret” is so true when it comes to promoting or marketing a property. To ensure you get the best possible price for your property you need to create competitive tension between buyers so that they compete against each other to pay more for the property. In a slow or cooling market it is more crucial then ever to make sure the seller invests in promotion as those buyers are generally fewer and far between. Without competitive tension is will be difficult to motivate buyers to pay more or even in some cases put in an offer at all. Remember, marketing in an investment by you as the owner to ensure that your property is fully exposed to the market place, and ensures that you generate enough interest in the property to get the best possible result available at the time.